This autumn the programme of the first bilingual GBS (Global Business Services) studies in Poland is starting at the Cracow University of Economics. Our team have participated in the co-creation of the curriculum. Carolina Pietyra, our Digital Strategy Manager, Service Designer, is responsible for the substantive content of the Brand Experience specialty.
– These studies will equip students with real background useful in various interesting professions. They will offer an opportunity to meet inspiring professionals who are full of passion. The study programme is filled with experts from the largest international corporations and representatives of local start-ups based in Krakow. This direction has been set jointly by representatives of business and science from the very beginning,
– explains Carolina Pietyra.In recent years, we have cooperated, for example, with the Academy of Fine Arts by preparing a two-stage mentoring scheme for students, comprising workshops with our experts and creation of student's own products.
At the Pedagogical University of Krakow we have organised a cycle of meetings titled "Make the logo bigger. The whole truth about advertising.” Students of AMA Film Academy in Krakow attended cyclical lectures on film production and motion design.