The contemporary Polish home is a very active place, filled with positive energy. Based on that simple truth, we have built a platform of communication. We have shown that it is a joyous place, where a lot is going on thanks to the Agata brand.
The concepts of "home" and "homeliness" have changed significantly over the recent years. At one point they used to be associated with passive traits — safety, rest after work, separation from the outside world. The paradigm of a nest house has lost its significance, though. Today, it is a very energetic space to which one wants to return.
We gave character to the Agata brand. From ATL, through digital activities, to complete visual communication, we have created a consistent and distinct brand. We chose Małgosia Socha to be its ambassador. Her joyous and vivid personality is perfect for the brand’s image.
No.1Highest brand awareness
in the category of furniture stores
+110% Increased sales
in the years 2012–2016
Agata gained a distinctive character after rebranding, which was devised by a team from Opus B Brand Design. The brand's name was shortened to be more personal — we changed "Agata Meble" to simply "Agata." We attributed a lively red colour to the brand. The new modern graphic line is present in the logo, print and online communication as well as the communication system in stores. In 2016, the rebranding received a Good Design award (Dobry Wzór).