We encouraged new residents of Cracow to pay their PIT in the former capital city of Poland. How? We have explained that it is not necessary to change one’s registered residence, and all it takes is just one visit to the tax office. Because it is very easy to become a hero of Cracow.
We did not bother to explain the association between paying PIT where one lives and investments in city transport, preschools and parks. Because new residents of Cracow have long known that fact. Our talks with them revealed a completely new problem. They are afraid that they will need to register their new place of residence, which entails a number of problems: change of ID documents, reporting the new address to banks, insurance companies, utilities, etc.
+ 21k new tax payers
+ 47,4m PLN in additional income
to the city budget
We had to enrich our communication with an emotional aspect. Because who wants to hear about formal facilitations in tax offices? That is why we levelled this factor with being a hero of Cracow, such as Lajkonik. In spite of a relatively small budget, the campaign was visible throughout the city. The new system of visual identification, created by Opus B Brand Design, proved very helpful. The system of visual identification received the Red Dot Communication Award 2017, Kreatura 2017, and won two statuettes at the Transform Awards Europe 2018.